John R. Henifin is a community volunteer who loves cleaning up his neighborhood, volunteering at local gardens, as well as cleaning up graffiti all over San Francisco, Oakland, and the rest of The Bay Area.
John spends the majority of his time focused on getting healthier, as his current state leaves a bit to be desired. Taking his dog Isis on long walks, as well as cleaning up SF, has given him the strength to be without a cane after 7 years, and he's working hard to continue down this path of self-improvement.
Very much a hobbyist, John has dedicated 8 years to tap dancing, 6 to Tae Kwon Do, 6 to marching band playing the French horn, and more than 8 years studying film and making short movies with friends.
John has attended the Academy of Art University for film as well as CCSF majoring in psychology and advertising. He has managed numerous 7-Elevens all over San Francisco, and currently works at a world-famous leather store in San Francisco.
Joshua Annonson is John's loving husband, and they've celebrated more than 13 years of marriage together. Joshua is currently a store manager at a storage company in San Francisco. John and Joshua have been friends since high school spanning more than 19 years, and even attended Prom together as a couple.
Together, John and Joshua work everyday to improve the lives of those around them, and the love and praise they receive from the community in return of their hard work makes it all worthwhile in their eyes.